We are in a timeline war, my friend, and the issue, is with every choice I made, while the timelines change, rotate and pend, all happens quickly, while I stop and then observe, “them”, trying to go around the system, constantly making the timelines go insane. Fools, you messing around, with the natural laws, that no one can change. The fools, “them”, still lose, in every eternal turn, in every system, again, I’m the only Looking Glass, I’m the only Law that wins always … I'm the justice that forever reign...
Brunilda Ternova è scrittrice, interprete e traduttrice (albanese, italiano, inglese). Soffro di una malattia rara - sottovalutata - chiamata Sindrome di Ehlers e Danlos che non ha una cura e sto cercando organizzazioni che possano aiutarmi con la ricerca medica a trovare terapie per la mia malattia che diventa invalidante nel corso degli anni. SOSTIENICI TRAMITE BONIFICO: IBAN: IT98F0760102400001022587784 INTESTATO A: BRUNILDA TERNOVA.
E-mail: bru_ternova@yahoo.it -
bru.ternova@gmail.com -
I have a rare, underestimated disease called Ehlers and Danlos Syndrome that doesn't have a cure and I'm looking for organizations that can help me with medical research to find therapies for my disease which becomes incapacitating over the years. Support us by bank transfer: IBAN: IT98F0760102400001022587784
Country Residence: ITA
On behalf of Brunilda Ternova.
Bank: Banco Posta spa (Italy)