giovedì 30 luglio 2020

When I Die - Poem by Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi

When I Die

Poem by Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi

When I die
when my coffin
is being taken out
you must never think
i am missing this world

don't shed any tears
don't lament or
feel sorry
i'm not falling
into a monster's abyss

when you see
my corpse is being carried
don't cry for my leaving
i'm not leaving
i'm arriving at eternal love

when you leave me
in the grave
don't say goodbye
remember a grave is
only a curtain
for the paradise behind

you'll only see me
descending into a grave
now watch me rise
how can there be an end
when the sun sets or
the moon goes down

it looks like the end
it seems like a sunset
but in reality it is a dawn
when the grave locks you up
that is when your soul is freed

have you ever seen
a seed fallen to earth
not rise with a new life
why should you doubt the rise
of a seed named human

have you ever seen
a bucket lowered into a well
coming back empty
why lament for a soul
when it can come back
like Joseph from the well

when for the last time
you close your mouth
your words and soul
will belong to the world of
no place no time


mercoledì 29 luglio 2020

La Luce di Filippo Goti

«What, then, does He want man to think? This: 'They are like the shadows and ghosts of the Night'. When the light of dawn appears, then man realizes that the Terror that has invested him, was nothing ... As long as the Ignorance inspired their terror and confusion, and left them uncertain, tormented and divided, there were many illusions from which they were molested, and empty fictions, as if they had fallen into sleep and found themselves prey to laborious dreams. Either they flee somewhere, or are uselessly dragged to chase others; or find themselves involved in fights, giving or receiving blows; or they fall from great heights ... [etcetera, etcetera]: until the moment when those who are going through all these things wake up. Then those who had experienced all these confusions suddenly see nothing. Because they are nothing, that is, a phantasmagoria "(E. V. 28, 24 - 29, 32).

The Light of knowledge as the only dynamic element capable of dissolving the shadows of ignorance and transience; a dystopian labyrinth where man is immersed in the will and demiurgic creation.
We must remember how in the prevalence of Gnostic systems the demiurgic world is a mixture of light and dark. This admixture, the fruit of the struggle between two coeval opposing principles or of the fall of the Sophia, determines the difficulty of the individual intellect to perceive the True which is beyond the forms. At the same time, since the Darkness is not a complete absence of Light, it is precisely by glimpsing the forms, their individual and overall absurdity, that the Gnostic man will first be able to doubt and then question himself about the nature and origin of things.
Thus proceeding in a phenomenology of Being, which unwinds, backwards, from an examination of forms and their relationship with the Gnostic himself.
The irruption of the individual Light, of this intuition born of the Individual Intellect and fertilized by the Nous del Pleroma, involves not only an individual transmutation (gnosis is a form and vehicle of redemption) (the ascension beyond the power of the 7 regents of the system cosmic demiurgic), but a progressive collapse of the private creation of the individual element.
Hence the fate of the Gnostic man coincides with the fate of the manifestation itself.

(rif: La Luce . Filippo Goti)

sabato 25 luglio 2020

Enchanted Lands - Volume 2

my name,
in the languages of the stars,
shines ...
I was born and raised alone
without family,
without love,
even though I loved everything and everyone unconditionally ...
my soul only knows the language of the stars...
because is blind...

I see zombies genetically and neuropsychologically programmed

“Aion Teleos” – di Brunilda Ternova

Eraclito: "Il tempo (Eone) della vita umana è un bimbo che gioca muovendo i suoi pezzi: a un bimbo appartiene il potere sovrano"
In molti sistemi gnostici (barbelotiani, alessandrini, ecc..) compare il concetto di Eone. Brevemente possiamo notare come il termine Eone derivi dal greco Aion, il cui significato è età, periodo, ciclo temporale. Successivamente questo termine è andato ad indicare non solamente delle ere temporali, ma anche lo spirito o l’intelligenza che le animava . In seguito, quasi per estensione e dilatazione, delle potenze, sia superiori o inferiori, divine/semidivine o demoniache.
Nella filosofia greca sussistevano tre modi di rappresentare il tempo: Aion, Kronos e Kairos.
Aion è l’eternità, l’intera durata di un ciclo cosmico, l’evo; il divino principio creatore, eterno, immoto e inesauribile; kronos è il tempo nelle sue accezioni di passato presente e futuro; kairos indica il tempo delle opportunità o il tempo giusto per ogni azione e pensiero.

lunedì 20 luglio 2020

Excerpt from my poem: "Once upon a time there was UNA"

What did you think of me coming into this dark world,

what was that you wanted that you didn't get alone,

did you loved and hated me in the same way I do,
or have you rasped at the obvious abandonment through? 
Did you tasted the source of the sun
when you decided to give me  the golden hair?
Did my mother love me or was I just an
What were your burdens, my
mysterious father, why you have hidden everything from me?
Did I gave you meaning in this life
or was I just passing by, while you decided not to see me back?
You know, I have memories of you and  mother,
I remember the kiss on the forehead and your despair,
but I have to keep quiet before things get ugly ...
father, my unknown father,
I know you brought me here to fight the final battle ...



excerpt from my poem: "Once upon a time there was UNA"

 I know you prepared me for this hell,
but you didn't prepare me for so much chaos and pain.
I know you are by my side, I feel,
you ardently illuminate every step that I take,
but when will it end,  when?
how much more suspended will I have to stay,
on this journey into the unknown and material decay ...

sabato 18 luglio 2020

Ivan Torrent - The Light Crusaders

excerpt from my poem: "Once upon a time there was UNA" 

I can't say where I'm from,
and the paradoxes I see,
dead planets and dead suns,
billions of lives sacrificed to become energies,
dimensions full of lives that turn on and off in an instant,
beings out of time of the human consciousness,
this is the torment of my existence,
incomprehensible to the creatures of this sphere ...
I suffer the decision made elsewhere,
to descend into the lower dense dimensions,
to the source of the origin of the divinity that governs everything and me,
working in dark to serve the light,
i love and hate with the same amount,
the way I observe the future I see,
make me a mystic,
while you, a rhesus monkey abortion freak,
I'm terrified of what's to come,
I will finally see the end of it all…
We didn’t met by mistake or by chance,
you couldn’t remember me,
you misunderstand  the war we had to fight together, 
because of the opposite attraction completing each other,
you have failed, again and again, so you will not be with me,
and this is the reason you will remain a formless carbon of atom…my dear.