lunedì 20 luglio 2020

Excerpt from my poem: "Once upon a time there was UNA"

What did you think of me coming into this dark world,

what was that you wanted that you didn't get alone,

did you loved and hated me in the same way I do,
or have you rasped at the obvious abandonment through? 
Did you tasted the source of the sun
when you decided to give me  the golden hair?
Did my mother love me or was I just an
What were your burdens, my
mysterious father, why you have hidden everything from me?
Did I gave you meaning in this life
or was I just passing by, while you decided not to see me back?
You know, I have memories of you and  mother,
I remember the kiss on the forehead and your despair,
but I have to keep quiet before things get ugly ...
father, my unknown father,
I know you brought me here to fight the final battle ...

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