domenica 9 agosto 2020

...roses are red, violet are blue, resistance is futile, they have already assimilated you!

 Do you ask yourself questions about Covid? You are a Denier!
Do you wonder about the European Union and the New World Order Government? You are a Fascist!
Do you wonder about 5G? You are a conspiracy theorist!
Are you wondering about the trafficking of human beings aka "migrants"? You are a racist!
Do you wonder about vaccines? You are a "No vax" conspiracy theorist!
Do you wonder about monetary sovereignty? You are a Fascist!

Moral? You are smart, educated and socially acceptable only if you blindly trust the government and uncritically welcome any bullshit from "information professionals" to brainwash your brain. Only slaves are allowed, but if you think / reason they see you as a threat because you are a threat!
Freedom and justice are irrelevant, roses are red, violet are blue, resistance is futile, they have already assimilated you!


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