sabato 3 aprile 2021



 Humanity is racing along two parallel paths to self-destruction: 1) accelerating
irreversible climate change, and 2) rapidly increasing exposure to health and life-threatening
mixtures of toxic stimuli. The most ubiquitous constituent of these toxic mixtures is wireless
radiation, which is proceeding to blanket humanity and its ecological life support chain.
A small fraction of the population has given informed consent to wireless radiation
exposure, gambling (like users of cigarettes, cocaine, fentanyl) that they can escape the severe
adverse consequences of exposure. Another small fraction of the population has not given
informed consent, but receives harmful second-hand exposure because of the broad-scale
transmission of wireless radiation from terrestrial and satellite sources. The vast majority of the
population has given Mis-informed Consent to this exposure. This mis-information is supplied
by the telecommunications industry, its lobbyists, its government partners, its political enablers,
its marketing arm (the mainstream media), and even some academic enablers.
While research over the past seventy+ years has shown hard evidence of severe adverse
effects from wireless radiation, the full extent of the damage from existing wireless radiation
infrastructure is not known, much less the damage expected from 4G/5G infrastructure being
implemented rapidly today. Attempting to identify the full extent of these adverse effects is the
global medical experiment being conducted today. The fact that this experiment is being
conducted with mis-informed consent makes it an unethical medical experiment. Because of the
magnitude of this experiment, it is the largest unethical medical experiment in human history!
Chapter 1 of this monograph presents the case for wireless radiation infrastructure
implementation without credible safety testing being not only an unethical medical experiment,
but the largest in human history. It presents wireless radiation infrastructure implementation in
the context of other recent examples of unethical medical experiments, and shows how these
others pale in comparison to the projected suffering and lethality from wireless radiation
exposure based on even the incomplete biomedical data gathered to date.
Chapter 2 is the main technical chapter in this monograph. It covers a broad scope of
adverse health and life-supporting ecological effects from wireless radiation, mainly at
communications frequencies. Some of these adverse effects are not well-known to the general
public, but they are important nevertheless. While the majority of the chapter is technical, its
initial section provides the context for evaluating the biomedical literature results. In particular,
it emphasizes the conflicts-of-interest operable in all aspects of the wireless radiation biomedical
research process, ranging from the initial health-effects research sponsorship to the final research
results dissemination in the premier technical literature and other forums. As Chapter 2 shows,
we have known about the adverse health and ecological effects of wireless radiation exposure for
seventy+ years, but decision-makers of all stripes have nevertheless chosen to impose this health
and life-threatening toxic stimulus on an unsuspecting global populace.
Largest Unethical Medical Experiment in Human History Copyright 2020 RN Kostoff
Additionally, there are eight appendices. The copious material contained in the
appendices supports the statements made in the main text (Chapters 1 and 2). Three subappendices, while grounded in hard evidence, are somewhat more hypothetical than the rest.
They include 1) linkages between wireless radiation exposure and exacerbation of the opioid
crisis and the coronavirus pandemic, and 2) potentially enhanced heating and temperature
increases to thermally-damaging levels from short RF pulses and tissue-imbedded nanoparticles.
My purpose in presenting these three more hypothetical sub-appendices is to stimulate more
discussion, and especially more research, on the nature and validity of these linkages.
Finally, it is my hope that this monograph receives the widest distribution, especially
among those who have 1) been the targets of this decades-long mis-information campaign and 2)
given their consent to wireless radiation exposure based upon mis-information. It is this segment
of the public whose informed actions could reverse the increasing implementation of wireless
radiation infrastructure, and prevent the infliction of even more damage, since the other
stakeholders involved in the promotion of wireless radiation infrastructure have shown little
desire to protect the public against the known and projected ravages of wireless radiation.

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