martedì 27 aprile 2021

Darkness isn't the absence of light...

 Darkness isn't the absence of light...

 Darkness isn't the opposite condition of light...

Light cannot be separated from Darkness....

Because Darkness created light within the Darkness....

Darkness is Dark Matter/Energy which has no motion or charge and is kwiesent or dormancy.....

Dark Matter/Energy is the mother of all motion, charge, and every thing in The All within ALL.

Chaos theory proves mathematically through statistics that within the apparent randomness of chaotic complex systems, there are underlying patterns, interconnectedness, constant feedback loops, repetition, self-similarity, fractals, and self-organization. Order is predestined to result from chaos, since there exist an underlying natural order ruled by physical and mathematical laws subjacent to the chaos.

Chaos emerges from motion, which is an expression of the fundamental forces that organizes reality.
Chaos and order are complimentary in the process of creation, not self-excluding as someone as you might suggest.

Both symmetries and asymmetries, such as fractals in all scales of nature, are formed by relationships of spatial geometry and laws of motion expressed by the fundamental forces of electromagnetism, gravity, strong and weak nuclear forces. In the universe there is a coexistence between chaos and order, and this is explained by fractal mathematics. The theory of chaos is explained by fractal mathematics.

Now,  the laws of physics are ordering reality through organized patterns, and not through chaotic randomness. Without a higher order in the universe, life simply could not exist, because organisms depend on order to exist in the first place.

As Carl Jung said "In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order". 


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