sabato 13 novembre 2021

Kieran Morrissey


Kieran Morrissey is an Engineer with a degree in Industrial Chemistry who has worked the past 22 yrs at a major teaching hospital in Dublin, Ireland, and gained a great deal of experience with the Irish healthcare system. Morrissey’s research discovered a medical research report called "New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination" by Dr. Antonietta Gatti, National
Council of Research of Italy and Dr. Stefano Montanari
The Marburg virus is a rare hemorrhagic fever with Ireland only have 16 cases since 2005. Yet a warning about the Marburg virus was published by Bill & Melinda Gates’ Gavi website. Morrissey also discovered that a PCR test has already been developed to detect the Marburg virus, with the same manipulative cycling qualities that the Covid-19 PCR tests have. The test can be directed to show that anyone has the Marburg virus. Surprisingly, a vaccine for the Marburg virus is already being fast-tracked in development by a company called Soligenix. It is a ricin toxin-based vaccine. Yes, the same ricin used in bio-terrorism. The symptoms of ricin poisoning is fever, chest tightness, cough and severe respiratory problems, including fluid buildup in the lungs (pulmonary edema). Ingested ricin causes intestinal bleeding and organ damage. According to Mayo Clinic, “there’s no vaccine or antidote for ricin poisoning.”

Little else would explain the millions of dollars already invested into research and development for a Marburg virus pandemic, WHICH DOES NOT CURRENTLY EXIST. Morrissey warns that the Marburg pandemic could surface in the nursing homes and hospitals first, with the “conveniently available” Marburg PCR test ready to detect positive cases of the virus. Given the already proven track record of deception with the Covid-19 cases and vaccine side effects, it would not be surprising for pharmaceutical companies to look for their next cash cow as the Covid-19 numbers drop.

Morrissey recommends, as many of the doctors’ stories on this website, that Ivermectin can be a cheap and easy alternative to taking the unproven and dangerous vaccines.
Kieran Morrissey’s References:

Marburg Virus
RiVax® Animal Rule
Asymptomatic Infection of Marburg Virus
Germ Theory of Disease
Antoine Bechamp
Terrain Theory
John D. Rockefeller
The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research The Rockefeller empire

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