Abundantia - Abundance
Acca Larentia - Lady Mother
Achaiva - Spinner
Achlys - Eternal Night, Darkness, Mist
Acidalia - Restlessness
Acidusa - Mother of the Maidens
Acraea - Topmost
Adephagia - Gluttony
Adicia - Injustice
Admete - Untamable
Adrastea - Unyielding
Aedos - Shame, Modesty
Aega - She Who Shines for All,Goat
Aegeria - Giver of Life
Aeginaea - Goat Goddess
Aegophagos - Goat Eater
Aello/Aella - Tempest, Whirlwind
Aellopos - Swift-footed Like a Storm Wind
Aesa - Destiny
Agamede - Healer
Agathe Tyche - Good Fortune
Ageleai - The Forager
Aglaia - Brightness, Splendor
Aglaope - Glorious Face
Agoraea - Protector of the PeopleCretan Snake Goddess
Aidos - Shame
Aithuia - Diver Bird, Water Hen
Akesco - Healer
Akraia - Goddess of the Hilltops
Alala - Battle Cry
Albina - White Goddess
Alcimache - Defender in Battle
Alcippe - Mighty Mare
Alcin - The Strong
Alecto - Vengeance, Never-ending, Unresting One
Alethia - Truth
Alexandra - Helper of Men
Alexida - Healer
Algea - Pain and Sorrow
Alitta - The Goddess
Alphito - White Goddess
Althaea - She Who Makes Grow
Ambologera - Delaying Old Age
Ambulia - Goddess Who Delays Death
Amphiro - Flowing Water
Amphitrite - The Mediterranean Sea
Anagke - Necessity, Fate
Ananke - Necessity, Fate
Andromeda - Chained Lady, Ruler of Men
Anemotis - Subduer of Winds
Anesidora - Sender of Gifts
Angerona - Silence
Anigrides - Healers
Anima Mundi - Soul of the World
Anna Perenna - Giver of Life, Health and Abundance
Anteia - Light
Antheia - Flowering One
Anticleia - Dusk
Antiope - Dawn
Aoide - Singing
Aphaea - Lady of the Beasts
Aphrodite - Foam, Foam-Born
Apostrophia - The Expeller, The Rejecter
Apteros - The Wingless
Arcadian - Chaste Hunter and Goddess of NymphsGreek Coin
Arche - Beginning
Areia - The Warlike
Arete - Virtuous Rule
Ariadne - Very Holy
Aridella - The Very Visible One
Ariste - The Best
Aristobule - The Best Advisor
Artemis - High Source of Water
Artimpasa - Noble Lady
Astraea - Innocence, Perfection, Justice
Astrateia - Invasion Stopper
Atalanta - Impassable One, Balanced
Ate - Discord
Atropos - Inexorable, Inflexible
Atthis - Dawn Goddess
Aura - Goddess of the Morning Wind
Aurora - Dawn, Light
Automatia - Chance
Autonoe - Giver of Inspirations
Auxesia - Increase
Axiokersa - Daughter of Cabiro
Axiopoenos - The Avenger
Azesia - Harvest
Barbata - The Bearded
Baubo - Belly
Befana - Epiphany
Bellona - Battle
Bendis - Moon, To Bind
Bia - Force
Bona Dea - Good Goddess
Boulaia - Upholding the Authority of the Law
Brimo - The Terrifying One
Britomartis - Sweet Virgin
Briseis - Moon
Brizo - Enchantress
Bulia - Goddess of the Council
Caligo - Darkness
Calliope - Epic Poetry, Beautiful Voiced
Callirrhoe - Beautiful Stream
Callisto - Most Beautiful
Calva - The Bald
Carpo - Autumn
Carpophori - Fruit-bearersAphrodite of Rhodes
Carya - Walnut
Caryatis - She of the Walnut Tree
Castitas - Protectress of Olive Trees
Cataclothes - Fate
Celedones - Singers
Ceres - Creation
Ceto - Perils of the Sea
Chalcioecos - Goddess of the Bronze House
Chalinitis - Horse Bridler
Charites - Grace and Beauty
Chera - The Widowed
Chimaera - She-Goat
Chione - Snow Cloud
Chloe - The Blooming, Green One
Chthonia - Subterranean Goddess of the Earth
Circe - She-Falcon, Circle
Cleito - Key, Enclosed
Cleta - Sound, Invoked
Clio - History, I Celebrate, Fame-Giver
Concordia - Harmony
Core - Maiden
Coryphaea - Goddess of the Summits
Coryphasia - Head, Summit
Credulitas - Error
Cteis - Earth
Cunina - Cradle
Curitis - Of the Spear
Curotrophos - Nurse of Youth
Cybele - Great Mother
Cymo - Waves
Cymodoce - Wave-receiving
Cymothoe - Swift Wave
Daeira - The Knowing
Damasippus - Horse-taming
Damatres/ Deae Matres - The Mothers
Danae - Dawn
Dea Caelestis - Heavenly Goddess
Dea Marica - Goddess of the Marshes
Dea Nutrix - Nurturing Mother
Dea Syria - The Syrian Goddess
Deima - Fear
Deino - The Terrifier, Terrible, Dread
Deipara - Mother of God
Delphyne - WombHekate Trivia
Demeter - Earth-Goddess, Mother
Dendritus - Goddess of the Tree, She of the Trees
Despoina - Mistress
Diana - Light, Heavenly, Divine
Dice - Justice
Dido - To Wander
Dictynna - Fish Goddess, Netted One
Dike - Justice
Disciplina - Discipline
Domiduca - Leading Home
Dynamene - Capable
Dysis - Sunset
Dysnomia - Lawlessness
Eileithyia - Childbirth
Eione - Goddess of the Shore
Eirene - Peace
Elasii - Healers
Eleos - Pity, Mercy
Eleuthera - Mother of Greece
Elias - Olive Oil
Elionia - Childbirth
Elpis - Hope
Enhydria - Abundance of Water
Enkrateia - Abstinence
Enyo - The Shaker, Warrior
Eos - Dawn
Epain - The Awesome
Ephesia - The Nourishing Powers of Nature
Epione - Soothing
Epipyrgidia - On the Tower
Epitymbia - Of the Tombs
Epona - Protector of Horses, Divine Horse
Erato - Lovely, Awakener of Desire
Ergane - The Worker
Erigone - Righteousness
Erinyes - Vengeance
Erinys - Fury
Eris - Discord
Ersa - Dew
Eucrante - Successful Venture
Eudaimonia - Benediction
Eudora - Gifts, Good Giver
Eugora - Good Assembler
Eulimene - Good Haven
Eumenides - Kindly Ones
Eunike - Successful Venture
Eunomia - Lawfulness, Legality, Legislation, Order
Euphrosyne - Mirth & Hospitality, Joy & Delight
Euploia - She Who Confers a Good Voyage
Eupompe - Good Voyage
Europa - Wide-Eyed One
Eurybia - Restless Might
Eurydale - Wide Sea
Eurydice - Wide-Judging
Eurynome - Wide-Ruling One
Euryphaessa - Far-shining
Eurysternos - Goddess with the Broad Chest
Euterpe - Lyric Poetry, She Who Gives Plenty of Happiness
Eutychia - Happiness
Evan - Personal ImmortalityGreek Muse
Fama - Fate
Fates - Destiny
Fatum - Unalterable Necessity
Felicitas - Happiness, Good Fortune
Fides - Trust
Fors - She Who Brings
Fortuna - Fortune
Fortuna Muliebris - Women's Fortune
Gaia, Gaea - Earth
Gaeeochos - Holder of the Earth
Galaxaura - Calm Sea
Galene - Mirrorlike
Genetyllis - Protector of Births
Glaucopis - Gleaming Eyes
Glauke - Mirror of the Sea Full of Splendor and Light
Glaukonome - The Dweller in the Green Sea
Glaukopis - Blue Eyes
Gorgopa - Death
Graeae - Old Women, Old Ones, Gray Ones
Halia - The Saltiness of the Sea
Halimede - Sea Goddess of Good Council
Halsodyne - Sea-fed, Sea-born
Harmonia - Harmony, Uniter
Harpies - Snatchers
Hebe - Youth, Puberty
Hecaerge - Hitting at a Distance
Hecate - The From-a-Far Powerful, Distant One, Influence from Afar, By Whose Will
Hegemone - Leader, Ruler, Mastery
Heimarmene - Fate
Helike - Willow
Helen - Fair, Bright One, Spring
Hemera - Day, Light of Day
Hemeresia - The Soothing Goddess
Henioche - Charioteer
Hera - Lady
Hesperides - Westerners
Hestia - Hearth
Heurippe - Finder of HorsesTyche
Hilaeira - The Shining
Himalis - Goddess of Grain
Himeropa - Arousing Face
Hippia - Horse Goddess, Horse-headed
Hippo - Horse
Hippolyta - Stamping Mare
Hipponoe - Unruly as a Mare
Hoppothoe - Swift as a Mare
Horme - Energetic Activity
Hyades - Rainy
Hygeia - Health
Hypercheiria - Goddess with the Protecting Hands
Iambe - Abuse, Indecent Speech
Iaso - Recovery
Ilithyia - Fluid of Generation
Inferna - Underworld
Invidia - Envy
Iodama - Healer
Irene - Peace
Iris - Rainbow, Messenger of Light
Justitia - Justice
Juno - Vital Force
Kakia - Vice
Karpophoros - She Who Bears Fruits
Kidaria - Mask
Kore - Maiden
Kourotrophos - Nourisher of Children
Kratesis - Ruling
Kymatolege - Wave-stiller
Lada - Woman
Laetitia - Unfounded Joy
Laomedeia - Leader of the People
Laosoos - Rouser of Nations
Lara - Mother of the Dead
Lasa - Lady, Goddess
Latona - Woman
Leagore - Assembler of the People
Lethe - Oblivion
Leto - Darkness
Leucosia - White Goddess
Leucothea - Goddess of the Spray of the Sea, Milk White Goddess
Levana - To Lift Up
Libera - Free
Liberalitas - Generosity
Ligeia - Shrill Sounding, Bright-Voiced
Limenia - Protector of the Harbor
Limnaea - Lake-born, Lake-dwelling
Limnatis - Marshes
Litae - Prayers
Locheia - Childbirth
Luceria - Giver of Light
Luna - The Moon that Rules the Months, To Shine
Lyceia - Wolfish
Lysianassa - Royal Deliverer
Lysizona - Girdle Loosener
Lyssa - Canine Madness
Ma - Mother
Machanitis - Deviser, Contriver
Magaera - Envious Anger
Magna Mater - She Who Shines for All, The Great Mother
Maia - Grandmother, Midwife, Wise One
Malophorus - Apple-bearer, Sheep-bearer
Mania - Mother of the Manes, (Grand) Mother of Ghosts
Mater Matuta - Morning Mother
Matres - The Mothers
Mechanitis - Discoverer of Devices
Medusa - Ruler
Melaenis - The Dark One
Melanaegis - Black-Shielded
Melanippe - Black Mare
Melete - Practicing
Meliboea - Sweet-Voiced
Melitodes - Sweet as Honey
Melpomene - The Singing, Songstress
Menestho - Steadfastness
Menippe - Courageous Mare
Mens - Right Moment, MindDiana
Meter - Mother
Methe - Drunkeness
Metis - Prudence, Wisdom, Counsel
Mimallones - Wild Women
Minerva - Mind
Miseria - Poverty, Lament
Mixoparthenos - Half-Maiden
Mnasa - Memory, Remembering
Mneiae - Remembrances
Mneme - Memory
Mnemosyne - Memory
Moira - Strong One
Moerae - Fates
Moirae - Allotters
Morpho - The Fair-Shaped
Mors - Death
Munychia - Moon Goddess
Muta - Deadly Silent One
Nemertes - Truthful, Unerring
Nemesis - Night's Dark Daughter, Dispenser of Dues
Nemetona - Goddess of the Sacred Grove
Nephele - Mist of the Morning Tide, Cloud
Nerio - Valor
Nesaea - The Dweller on Islands
Nicephorus - Bringing Victory
Nike - Victory
Noctiluca - Shines During the Night Season
Nortia - Fortune
Nutrix - She Who Gives Nourishment
Nymphaea - Bridal
Nymphenomene - Seeking a Mate
Nyx - Night
Oculata Lucifera - Healer of Eyes
Odyne - Pain
Oeno - Wine
Oenotropae - Changers into Wine
Oizys - Woe
Omphale - Navel
Ophthalmitis - Patron Goddess of Eyesight
Opora - Autumn
Ops - Plenty
Optiletis - Keen Sight
Orthia - Upright Position
Ossa - Rumor
Otrere - Nimble
Paedotrophus - Nurse of Children
Paeonia - The Healer
Pais - Maiden
Pallas - Great Maiden
Pallor - Fear
Panachaea - Goddess of the Achaians
Panakeia - Cure-all
Pandemos - Common to All the People
Pandia - All Goddess
Pandora - Giver/Gift of All, All-Giver
Pandrosos - All-Bedewing
Panteleia - Perfection
Panthea - The All Goddess
Parca - Childbirth
Parthenope/Parthenos - Virgin
Pasiphae - Shining on All
Pasithea - Brilliance
Pavor - Fear
Pax - Peace
Peisinoe - Seductress
Peitho - Persuasion
Pemphredo - White Foam, Wasp, Alarm
Pepromene - Predestination
Perse - Lightbearer, Destroyer
Petraea - Rocky
Phaedra - Bright One
Phaenna - Brilliant, Light
Pheme - Fame
Philia - Friendship
Philotes - Friendship
Philyra - Linden
Phosphoros - Bringing Light
Phytia - Creator
Pietas - Duty to One's Goddess, State and FamilyGoddess of Cyprus
Pistis - Loyalty and Faith
Pleiades - Sailing Ones, Flock of Doves
Plexaure - Like a Dashing Brook
Ploto - The Swimmer
Plouto - Gifts and Wealth
Polias - Protector of Cities
Poliatas - Keeper of the City
Polyboulos - Exceedingly Wise
Polydroa - Good Fortune
Plymastus - Many-breasted
Polyhymnia - She of the Many Hymns
Polynoe - Richness of Mind and Reason
Pontia - Of the Deep Sea
Pontopereia - The Seafarer
Potnia Theron - Mistress of Animals, Lady of Wild Things
Prodromia - Advance Guard
Promachaorma - Protector of the Bay
Promachus - Front of Battle
Pronaea - Fore-temple
Pronoe/Pronoia - The Provident, Forethought
Posymna - Lofty
Proto - Successful Venture
Protomedeia - First in Leadership
Providentia - Forethought
Prymno - Ship's Stern, Like a Cascade
Psamathe - Sand Goddess
Psyche - Soul, Butterfly
Pudicitia - Modesty
Pugna - Combat and Conflict
Pylaitis - Gate-keeper
Pyronia - Fire Goddess
Pythia - Pythoness
Quies - Rest
Quiritis - Of the Spear
Redux - Fortune Leads Back
Regina - Queen of Heaven
Roma - Rome, Strength, Might
Rumina - Mother's Breast
Salacia - Salt
Salmaone - Lady of the East
Salpinx - Trumpet
Salus - Health, Salvation
Sao - The Rescuer, Safety
Scotia - Dark One
Scylla - Witch of the Shoals, Render
Semele - Subterranean
Senecta - Old Age
Sito - Giver of Food or Grain
Sophrosyne - Safe Mind
Sospita - Saviour
Soteira - Saving Goddess
Spermo - Wheat
Spes - Hope
Sthenias - Strong
Stheno - Strength
Suada - Persuasion
Susuri - Rumor
Tacita - The Silent
Tamfana - Provider of Harvests
Tauro - Bull
Taleia - Complete One, Perfect One
Telephassa - Wide-Shiner
Telesto - Goddess of Initiations
Tellus Mater - Earth Mother
Terpsichore - She Who Enjoys Dance
Tesana - Dawn
Tethys - Grandmother, Nurse
Thalassa - Vast and Lonely Primitive Sea
Thalia - Plentiful, Overflowing, Flowering One
Thallo - SpringThemis
Thalna - Beauty, Spring
Thea - Goddess
Thelchtereia - Enchantress
Themis - Lawful Order
Themisto - Law, Law of the Universe
Theotokos - Mother of God, Bringing Forth God
Theria - Crone
Thesan - Dawn
Thesmephoros - Lawgiver
Thoe - Quick, Nimble
Thyone - Ecstatic Madwoman
Timores - Terror
Tisiphone - Avenger
Tritogeneia - Head, Thrice-born
Trivia - Three Roads
Tuchulcha - Underworld
Tyche - Luck, Chance, Fortune
Urania - Heavenly
Veritas - Truth
Vesta - Torch, Candle
Victoria - Victory
Victrix - The Victorious
Vindemaiatrix - Grape Gatherer
Volupta - Pleasure
Xenia - Presiding Over the Laws of Hospitality and Protecting Strangers
Zelos - Zeal
Zosteria - Girded
Zxgia - Joiner, Yoker
mercoledì 27 ottobre 2021
100 names for one single goddess
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